Wednesday, April 7, 2010

My little Orange Buddy

Hey Everyone!

Well... I came home from shopping two nights ago and as I pulled up into my driveway an orange tabby cat ran out of my garage. Apparently he had been chillin' in there for a little while. He was super friendly and he came for a walk with us so that we could ask the neighbours if he belonged to either of them. It turns out that he is a stray.

Apparently, according to one of our neighbours, people will just drop off their cats in the country if they don't want them anymore. This is disgusting to me. I can't believe that someone would have a pet and then just throw them away like that. You can tell that our little orange buddy was a house cat and didn't live outside his whole life because he knows to go outside to do his business and he's a very affectionate little guy. He can't stand not being around us when we're outside. My boyfriend made a little cat door so that he can come and go in the porch as he pleases so that he's got somewhere warm to sleep.

I went out and bought cat food yesterday (we fed him meatballs and leftover turkey the first night because we didn't have any cat food... no cat food will be good enough now lol) and a couple bowls from Dollarama so that he's got his own little food dishes in the porch area. He seems to like us so we're hoping that he sticks around and helps us out with the mice population in the spring/summer/fall seasons...

Above is a picture of him yesterday morning when I was leaving for work. He looks exactly like one of my parents' cats Oscar so we named him little OJ for Oscar Junior. (My boyfriend named him so I didn't really have a choice in the matter... I just call him little OJ lol)

He's such a nice little guy but my boyfriend is allergic so he can't come inside the house. He has to stay in the porch area so we are going to insulate it this summer so that he'll have somewhere warm to go in the winter. I just go out there and chill with him in the evenings and read or watch tv. We've got a tv hooked up out there and he loves the company. I feel bad when I have to leave him to go inside... I would love it if I could have him laying with me on the couch in my nice warm house. Oh well... he's used to being outside for a bit already so hopefully he's not wanting inside too bad.

When we wake up in the morning he's usually outside running around so he enjoys it enough. Plenty of little animals for him to hunt and keep him busy while we're at work.

Well, that's it for me today... I hope you guys love him as much as we do already! (It's only been 2 days)
