Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Before Pictures... :(

Hello Hello Hello. So, because of my most recent trip to a place called "I need to lose weight already!", I've decided that I am going to start a workout program. This time around, I am also going to keep track of what I am eating (A la Weight Watchers Points Program) and then I will track my progress with all of you in hopes that it will motivate me to keep it up! Today is Day 1 and I am currently at work, all I have eaten today so far is a freezie and a cup of coffee. (Yes, that's right, a freezie. I have a few stashed away in the freezer at work and I definitely got up late today so that is all I have for options for breakfast.) I will be keeping track of what I am eating, and updating you on my progree as I go. Just for your reference if you are not familiar with the Weight Watchers plan, because of my current weight, I am allotted 23 pts per day, plus another 35 flex points that I can spread throughout the week however I would like to do so. The flex points do not carry forward into the next week, so if I don't use them, I lose them. Also, by doing vigourous exercise I can add points to my daily total. I believe if I do half an hour of vigourous exercise I get an extra point. I will confirm that later when I have a chance to look at the program.

Just to give you an idea, the freezie is 2 pts and the coffee (b/c of coffee mate and a bit of sugar is 3 pts) So, starting off not too bad, 5 pts for breakfast. I packed my lunch today so I already know what I'm having at that time. Alphaghetti and weiners... Because Alphaghetti is 6pts and the weiners are 3pts, my lunch will be 9pts today. So, I'm already going to be at 14pts for the day going into supper.

I will let you know how I finish the day (as far as the workout I do, and the rest of the food) later on tonight.

Well, what's a workout diary without some before pictures... I took these pics with my computer's built in camera the other day. PS. This is embarrassing to me but I gotta do it!

I also find that you don't really know what you look like until you take a picture. I definitely thought I looked skinnier in the mirror! (It just so happens I have a "skinny mirror" in my room which might have contributed to the problem)

So I want all of you reading this, who are maybe going to workout along with me, to take before pictures of yourselves. Make sure you comment and let me know what workouts you are doing, or what meal plan you are following. We don't have that much summer left here, so it's about time we get this started! You don't have to share them, just take them and keep them somewhere so that you can look back at them and see your progress. Also, it's very good if you want to remind yourself why your doing this.


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