Tuesday, July 28, 2009

On a completely unrelated note...

I decided that since working out in the evening works best for me, and I hate showering twice in one day... that I would only shower at night... and therefore, since I have to look presentable at my job... I've been figuring out different ways to do my hair each day... yesterday I braided it so that I woke up with crimped/wavy hair... today, I finally purchased my first set of foam rollers... I'm going to try them out, if they take too much effort for the result I get... then I will definitely retire them.

I hope my hair turns out awesome.


  1. megs!! its so much fun listening to your progress!! are you seeing any differences yet?

    just curious, how did those foam rollers work out? i remember trying them, but my hair gets so tangled there is no point to them for me...lol!

  2. I saw suttle differences in my legs... but not really anywhere else... but, I did skip a few nights because my arms were sore... or my legs were sore... so that most definitely contributed. I think I'm going to restart... and actually keep track more diligently.

  3. Oh, and the rollers didn't really do that job that I was hoping they would... they were definitely not worth the crappy sleep!
