Tuesday, December 1, 2009


We got possession of our house yesterday morning and man oh man did the day ever start off disastrous.  First of all, my cell phone alarm was not enough to wake me from my 6-hour coma that I was in (obviously because I couldn’t fall asleep originally due to worrying about the house and what we were going to do first) and then when my boyfriend and his parents showed up at the house in order to start cleaning and moving things in, the key that we were given only worked in the garage key hole and not the house.  I know what you’re thinking: “Maybe the keys for the house were left in the garage?”  NO.  So we had to phone the lawyer, have him phone the other lawyer who then mentioned that the son of the guy whose house we bought was on his way to read the meters anyway so he could give us the key he has.  I know, confusing. 


Then, luckily my boyfriend’s mom was the one who had to deal with the guy when he showed up otherwise I think I would have had to deal with a few assault charges lol (My boyfriend and his dad were ready to kill the guy because he was being an ass).


Yeesh… so then, once we got started we were able to get all of the living room and dining room furniture moved in and the kitchen, upstairs bathroom and downstairs bathroom cleaned and ready to paint.  I’m heading back there tonight to start painting as Rob and his dad were there this morning taping and covering everything.  We pick up our “new” fridge and stove from my parents house this evening and then we’re going to attempt to drop them off at our house tonight…


It’s a mish mosh of ridiculousness.  So many things to do, so little time before we move in… I spent $250 on paint last night!  And that only covers MOST of the upstairs that needs to be painted!  There’s one wall that currently has wallpaper on it (that is going to be ridiculously hard to remove because it’s above the stairs and a really high wall because we bought a bi-level)


I took a bunch of “before” pictures of the house to show the colours and all of our stuff all over the place before we start painting and putting stuff in its rightful place… I will post those in a separate post because there are a lot of them!

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