Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Man I have really been slacking on updating this blog... Okay, yes it's only been since Friday that I last posted, but before that it was forever ago! I would like to write every day if I could, but things just keep coming up and I usually don't want to power up my computer before bed when I get home just to update this.

Well, as you might already know, my boyfriend and I are looking for a house right now! I'm super excited, to say the least. We looked at a 2296 square-foot house on Sunday that we are really interested in buying! It's 20 mins outside of Winnipeg but right now that only makes for a 30 minute drive to work for me! AND... it's got a 9-person indoor hotub! It's huge... and with a little work it can actually look way bigger. It was built in like 1908 so it's set up kind of funny (in that it doesn't look at big as it should for being 2296 sqft). We're thinking that we are going to change a few things if we were to buy it.

First of all, the master bedroom is downstairs (an addition that was later added to the house) and it's got an onsuite bathroom and walk-in closet. We're thinking of taking the room upstairs that is WAY BIGGER and then turning the Master into a family room by taking out the bathroom and closet and opening up that wall to what they are currently using at a family room. I'm actually super excited at the prospect of getting this house. We looked at two others and were not impressed... and then we went to this one and it was overwhelming how much better it was! We're going to look at another house just a bit East of the city on Thursday so we'll see how we like that one. It's half the size but it's newer so it's probably going to be set up a lot better to make it seem a lot larger. It's around the same price as this one, closer to the city, but farther from my work (and Rob's work) because we work in the South End of the city close to the perimeter.

So, all in all, we're really excited, and we're thinking that we would want to make the possession date for January if possible so that we'd be nice and set up by then! My boyfriend actually used to work for CN Rail and is currently awaiting an arbitration to get his job back, hopefully with back pay! So... it's looking like either November or December for that... which would work out great if we had a huge boost of cash to fall back on. Right now we're thinking that we're going to split everything two ways... including the lump sum of our car payments and insurance... which, I'm not really sure is a good deal for me (because my car payments are way lower and will be done in a year and a half, versus his which he won't be done paying for for another four years!) but yeah...we'll see what we work out later on.

Well, I should get back to work, I've got a few shipments to unpack and a couple of things I need to get ready for this afternoon.


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