Friday, October 30, 2009

Quaterly Update :) LOL

Ha, it feels like I never update this thing but it's only been 10 days! I had originally planned to write something on here at least every two days, if not every day. I feel like I've been too busy lately to do anything though (and I'm not really that busy, I think I just feel like relaxing and doing nothing).

So, as you know, I've been uploading videos to Youtube over the past little while... I've done a few tutorials on Halloween Looks and they've been received well! My latest one, the Hot Zombie Look, already has 2500 views and I now have 40 subscribers!! I'm going to have to hold a contest when I hit 100 subscribers in order to get more and more lol. I'm going to have to think of different things to do now that Halloween is almost over though... maybe I will do some hair/nail/regular makeup tutorials... or I'll start the "Outfit of the Day" vlogs... I dunno, but it should be good. I see people who always do the "Hauls" like, if they were in West Edmonton Mall, they'll do a video on everything that they bought... or really whenever they head to the store... maybe I can do product reviews as well. I'm excited though... because there are now 40 people who want to see what I come up with next!

Halloween is tomorrow and I'm still not finished my costume! I've gotta get that done tonight... so, I'm not sure if I mentioned it on here, but I am going as a Zombie Bride. I've got the dress, the veil, black flowers, I've stained the dress (with spray paint) to make it look old and damaged, and now I just have to add the blood splatters and hand prints to complete it. Also, I'm going to have to rip it up strategically to make it look like as if its been through hell, literally.

I won't have time to do this, and then let it dry for tonight, but in the spirit of being a Zombie, I think I'm going to go as a Southern Belle Zombie tonight if we end up going somewhere... otherwise I'm not sure what I'm going to be! I should go as a Cullen, all I'll have to do is sprinkle sparkles all over my face lol... but I don't have the right contacts for that though!

UPDATE: I'm doing a photoshoot on Sunday for my friend's fashion line! It should be super fun, she's made a dress in my size, and a few other girls and I are going to be taking pics at the Rae and Jerry's lounge Sunday morning. Should be good times! I believe the line is going to be called Epic Friday Fashion Line. So far, from what I've seen, the dresses are pretty sweet so I'm really excited to see what she's come up with for me!

Daylight savings time is this weekend (Fall Back) so I'm hoping that I remember tomorrow night to switch my watch, alarm clock, etc. to the new time, so that I'm not late for everything on Sunday! It wouldn't be an issue normally, but I've got the photoshoot pretty early at 10am, and then I've got a hockey game right after... so I can't really show up an hour late, it will be halfway through the game then! (I can't forget to switch my car's time as well)
Well, the only other update that I should mention is the fact that I am once again trying to diet so that by Christmas I will be at least 10-15 lbs lighter, and hopefully a lot more toned and in shape. My work received 25 free passes to the Frank Kennedy gym at the U of M, so I've got one and I am going to attempt to go at least three times a week. Who knows how well that's going to go, but I will try none the less. I've started Weight Watchers again, this time I've got an email support group of sorts that is going to help a lot I think, it will help me stay on track because other people will know my progress. Although, it didn't help much the first week, I only lost 2 pounds (which is good, don't get me wrong, but usually the first week you start you lose like 4 lbs).
HOUSE HUNT UPDATE: We semi-offered a woman in St Anne $170,000 for a house, but she didn't appreciate that too much, so she's going to wait until spring to see if she can get any other offers before entertaining anything that low. I'm not really sure if we can offer her like $175,000 and maybe she'll actually counter offer this time but yeah...
We're going to look at a couple places next week... we were supposed to see one this weekend, but it turns out they are pushing back the showings to next week instead. Oh well, that makes for a less busy weekend for me then! I'll have time to get my pumpkins carved, and whatever last minute things I need to do for my costume... and then I have to do my sister's makeup, two of my friends' makeup, and then my brother is going as Guile (or Gyle, I'm not sure) from street fighter I believe, and he wants me to do his makeup lol.
I'm going to be super busy tomorrow that's for sure! I can't wait though, we are heading to a friend's wedding social. I hope there is a prize for best costume... I might actually win this year!!

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