Friday, November 27, 2009

3 more sleeps...

Hey Everyone!

So... there are only three more days until we get possession of our new house! I can't wait... I've been doing a bit of research trying to find the perfect colours to do in our living room, kitchen, and two upstairs bedrooms but I'm having a bit of trouble picking one...

This is a picture from the listing of our living room... so we've got a huge window to work with... and oak parquet flooring... our couches are green but more of a blueish green than the one in this picture (this was the old owners living room). Don't worry, I will be taking before and after pictures as we renovate and making sure that I discuss what we're doing step by step as we go along.

Now, what I'm thinking is that I'm going to do the wall behind the couch and the wall with the window in a creamy beige colour and then add aubergine accent walls (Yes, two accent walls as well). The one wall that separates the kitchen from the living room I will want aubergine, and then the entranceway wall that leads downstairs as well could be aubergine or maybe even a darker grey colour... I'm still working through that in my head. I'm going to go in there on Monday and then while my boyfriend and his parents are cleaning and patching, sanding and etc. I will head over to Home Depot and pick us up some paint! I can't wait to see the transformation!!

I might even take a video!

Oh yeah, look for future posts about me entering a contest that I need your help with!

Have a good one!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

The Results are in!

Well... the results are in!  I'm a 7.5 according to and accepted as a beautiful person lol.  Well that's good to know... but I never did find out how much they charge for the service because when I clicked on the link to send my verification email it didn't send.  Maybe the 7-8 range of people only get a fake acceptance lol.  

But yeah... experiment over, I found that it's actually quite pleasing to find out that I am one of the "beautiful people" according to the site.  The funny thing is that with over 20,000 people adding profiles each week, the current members spend all of their time rating new people.  What a dating site lol.  And, some people don't get rated at all.  I was only rated twice... and it didn't show who the first person was so I assume that it's a computer generated vote (Of midway at 5) to get you started and then other people have to vote either 10 or 1 to sway the rating.  Jean Yves from France voted me as a 9.75 lol on all three of my pictures... so that must mean something... but it didn't show that first one... so I can only assume.

Ah well... pretty hilarious though... I deleted my profile because I don't want my pictures floating around on that site anymore... not that I didn't post them on my blog, but still... I find that there is a bit of a negative connotation associated with that site, and I'm not going to pay for the service so really, it would be pointless for me to keep it.

Anywho... just thought I'd fill you guys in on it!  Yay to being accepted... so shallow though ha ha ha.

Oh yeah, I bought Christmas lights for on our new house the other day!!  I'm getting a tree tomorrow on sale for $40!!  (If they have any left when we get there) I'm so excited!!  That means that I could plausibly spend another $30 on decorations for it and still be in my budget!  (I'm getting a check back from insurance from a massage I got a few days ago and I told myself that I was only allowed to spend that amount on the tree and lights & decor)

I can't wait for Christmas, I'm getting so excited!!!

Friday, November 13, 2009

So far so good...

So the last time I logged in was this morning and I had 26 hrs left in my "rate me" part of the experiment I am doing... and I've got one friend! LOL... apparently there are like 20,000 joining every day so the people who are already members don't really get the chance to vote on everyone, so it's nice that I've already be rated. We'll see if I get that final acceptance email! LOL


Thursday, November 12, 2009

Uploading my pic to


Oh I'm sorry... I'm just in the process of uploading my picture to my profile and I can't stop laughing because of all of the little comments that are all over the website letting you know that you don't have to sift through ugly people in order to find someone that's attractive, because everyone's hot on this site! LOL!!

Okay... so once it has been completed I will let you know whether or not I was accepted or rejected from the beautiful people website.

I uploaded the three pictures in this post to be judged by the male members already accepted onto the site.  I had to add the one with me doing the wink & gun cause I thought it was hilarious.

It's funny, because if you think about it, new members have to be accepted by current members.... so who started it?  At the beginning did the one guy who created it just pick people for the site... or did he pick a bunch of people and then slowly sift through them to figure out who he thought was beautiful or not?  LOL... I'm sorry but I keep thinking about Peter Griffin when he has lipo suction and becomes one of the "beautiful people" and doesn't wait in lines at grocery stores... and enters through different doors than everyone else LOL

This site promises that you will be invited to private parties with only beautiful people ha ha ha... so that means that only you and the two other people in your region who signed up will be at the party!  This is hilarious... BUT, I might have a huge ego boost in the next couple of days!

I will let you know how I do.

Beautiful People.... .com That's right, it actually exists... a virtual way to exclude people for not being "beautiful" enough. Apparently the way it works is that you set up a free profile and it is on the site for 48hrs and members of the opposite sex vote on whether or not you are accepted to the site. (I guess there are also no gay people allowed because they don't get to vote on other members of the same sex). Oh and did I forget to mention that it's a dating site? Yeah, so "beautiful people" flocking together in groups is not that far off from the truth.

The voting buttons are as follows:

Yes, Definitely!
Hmmm, yes ok.
Hmmm, no not really.
No definitely not!

How sad would that be if you put your photo seriously on here and you got a bunch of Hmmm, no not really's and No definitely Not's! LOL.

The funny thing is, that I should be apalled that they would even make a website like this but in fact I'm curious about whether or not I would be accepted. I am thinking about posting a profile to this site just to see whether or not I get accepted. Apparently only 24% of Canadian women have been accepted to the site based on however many have applied (and really, who knows what kind of people are uploading their pics to this site), and only 23% of Canadian men. I want to bring up those stats! JK, I just seriously want to see how many no's and how many yes's I would get if I tried.

Germany is apparently does not have very good stats on the site due to the grim expressions people are posting in their profile pictures, no smiles... all seriousness. I find that the most hilarious thing because why would you even bother posting a picture in that case, you might as well write off your acceptance from the get go.

SO, I will definitely keep you guys updated as to whether or not I bring up the Canadian stats, or whether or not I will be slighting depressed for a few days ha ha ha. Just kidding, who knows who's even voting on your picture and how many people actually voted.

Another update: putting in an offer on a house tomorrow evening! I will let you know whether or not I will be moving into my first home or if I will have to continue the search!

Have a good one!

Friday, November 6, 2009



We're going to look at houses tomorrow!!! I'm getting really excited for the first house we're going to see because if we like it we're going to put in an offer as soon as we can! It would be perfect for the two of us, it's on 5.5 acres and it's super close to the city. It was built only like 30 years ago (which is a lot newer than some of the other houses we've looked at that were built in the early 1900's) so that means that the setup is going to be a lot better than the other houses although that also means 70's construction so wood paneling lol.

I'm so excited!!!

(So, knowing this... you guys might be receiving a depressed post from me tomorrow or Sunday if we don't end up liking it lol)

OR... even worse, we like it and then next week when they're accepting offers we don't get it. That will be an even more depressing post to read... Beware.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Bring on the Houses!!

So yeah, as you've probably guessed by the title of this post, my boyfriend and I are in the process of looking for our first house... EVER! We've looked at 5 houses so far and none of them suit our fancy so we are actually going to look at three more this weekend! (On Saturday!)

We're going to see a 1700 square foot house on 5.2 acres, a 1120 square foot house on 5.5 acres (a little closer to town) and then a 1530 square foot house on 1 acre that looks gorgeous! The 1530 square foot one is priced a little bit higher than we would like to pay, but it's been on the market for a long time so we're thinking they might go a bit lower, if we decide that we really really really like it. Otherwise, the other two are priced about $25,000 lower and are closer to the city so we're most likely going to go with them instead. I'm really excited about the first one we're going to see. It just popped up on the market yesterday and we jumped at the first possible chance we will have to see it. From the outside (yes, we did a creepy stalkerish drive by on our way home from looking at another house in the area) it looks super nice and we saw a bit of the inside because it is vacant and the real estate agent left one of the lights on. From the pictures of the house it looks like it would need a lot of updating because it was built in the 70's and it shows, but hopefully it is structurally sound and no other huge issues and then we will most likely buy it!!

I'm getting really excited to get a house and so is Rob. I'm hoping that there aren't too many other people looking at houses right now and that we don't get into a bidding war with anyone over this house. It would be nice to have some bargaining power if we really want it. Otherwise we may have to pay a little bit more and sacrifice a few things we wouldn't have wanted to ask for.

I'm getting excited though! Hopefully the end of our house hunting is near! I'm still saving up for the down payment but I can withdraw my RRSP's for the rest of it through the Home Buyer's Plan so we're okay. It's too bad that my boyfriend has a bunch of bills coming up right away so he'll just have to pay me back when he sells his cabin lot...

PS. The pictures from the photoshoot I did on Sunday should be emailed to me soon enough and I will hopefully have permission to post them on here for you guys!! Oh yeah, and it's super nice to not have any debt and to just be saving money with every cheque... this is the first time ever since I got my job that I have been able to do that and then I'm going to get a house and never know this feeling again lol

Monday, November 2, 2009


WOW.... I can't believe it, and I've told like all of my friends. As you know, I've been doing Halloween Makeup tutorials for the past month on Youtube and I did one entitled "Hot Zombie Look" and it got over 5200 views! I still can't believe it and it's been over 2 days lol. I also now have 53 subscribers after Halloween! I'm going to have to keep that in mind for next year and start thinking about new tutorials I can do.

I've thought of a couple makeup looks I can do for my subscribers lol, that still sounds so funny to me, and possibly a few hair tutorials as well. I may have to use my sister for these ones so that I can accurately show the hairstyle in the video... and not me doing it super messy on my own head lol. I still need a new video editing software for my Mac though... because iMovie just doesn't cut it... I can't do a lot of things that I want to do. SO, if you know of anything, please let me know!