Thursday, November 19, 2009

The Results are in!

Well... the results are in!  I'm a 7.5 according to and accepted as a beautiful person lol.  Well that's good to know... but I never did find out how much they charge for the service because when I clicked on the link to send my verification email it didn't send.  Maybe the 7-8 range of people only get a fake acceptance lol.  

But yeah... experiment over, I found that it's actually quite pleasing to find out that I am one of the "beautiful people" according to the site.  The funny thing is that with over 20,000 people adding profiles each week, the current members spend all of their time rating new people.  What a dating site lol.  And, some people don't get rated at all.  I was only rated twice... and it didn't show who the first person was so I assume that it's a computer generated vote (Of midway at 5) to get you started and then other people have to vote either 10 or 1 to sway the rating.  Jean Yves from France voted me as a 9.75 lol on all three of my pictures... so that must mean something... but it didn't show that first one... so I can only assume.

Ah well... pretty hilarious though... I deleted my profile because I don't want my pictures floating around on that site anymore... not that I didn't post them on my blog, but still... I find that there is a bit of a negative connotation associated with that site, and I'm not going to pay for the service so really, it would be pointless for me to keep it.

Anywho... just thought I'd fill you guys in on it!  Yay to being accepted... so shallow though ha ha ha.

Oh yeah, I bought Christmas lights for on our new house the other day!!  I'm getting a tree tomorrow on sale for $40!!  (If they have any left when we get there) I'm so excited!!  That means that I could plausibly spend another $30 on decorations for it and still be in my budget!  (I'm getting a check back from insurance from a massage I got a few days ago and I told myself that I was only allowed to spend that amount on the tree and lights & decor)

I can't wait for Christmas, I'm getting so excited!!!


  1. helpful tip: the thrift store on princess street in the exchange district has cheap trees and decorations...although decor wise you could probably go to superstore and get some good ones for super cheap as well...thats what we did last year ;) I'll invest in some glass ornaments once i can actually put up a real tree!

  2. I ended up getting a free tree from one of my mom's friends after Christmas and we just got a real tree this year. What a pain in the ass. Never again.
