Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Bring on the Houses!!

So yeah, as you've probably guessed by the title of this post, my boyfriend and I are in the process of looking for our first house... EVER! We've looked at 5 houses so far and none of them suit our fancy so we are actually going to look at three more this weekend! (On Saturday!)

We're going to see a 1700 square foot house on 5.2 acres, a 1120 square foot house on 5.5 acres (a little closer to town) and then a 1530 square foot house on 1 acre that looks gorgeous! The 1530 square foot one is priced a little bit higher than we would like to pay, but it's been on the market for a long time so we're thinking they might go a bit lower, if we decide that we really really really like it. Otherwise, the other two are priced about $25,000 lower and are closer to the city so we're most likely going to go with them instead. I'm really excited about the first one we're going to see. It just popped up on the market yesterday and we jumped at the first possible chance we will have to see it. From the outside (yes, we did a creepy stalkerish drive by on our way home from looking at another house in the area) it looks super nice and we saw a bit of the inside because it is vacant and the real estate agent left one of the lights on. From the pictures of the house it looks like it would need a lot of updating because it was built in the 70's and it shows, but hopefully it is structurally sound and no other huge issues and then we will most likely buy it!!

I'm getting really excited to get a house and so is Rob. I'm hoping that there aren't too many other people looking at houses right now and that we don't get into a bidding war with anyone over this house. It would be nice to have some bargaining power if we really want it. Otherwise we may have to pay a little bit more and sacrifice a few things we wouldn't have wanted to ask for.

I'm getting excited though! Hopefully the end of our house hunting is near! I'm still saving up for the down payment but I can withdraw my RRSP's for the rest of it through the Home Buyer's Plan so we're okay. It's too bad that my boyfriend has a bunch of bills coming up right away so he'll just have to pay me back when he sells his cabin lot...

PS. The pictures from the photoshoot I did on Sunday should be emailed to me soon enough and I will hopefully have permission to post them on here for you guys!! Oh yeah, and it's super nice to not have any debt and to just be saving money with every cheque... this is the first time ever since I got my job that I have been able to do that and then I'm going to get a house and never know this feeling again lol

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