Thursday, November 12, 2009

Beautiful People.... .com That's right, it actually exists... a virtual way to exclude people for not being "beautiful" enough. Apparently the way it works is that you set up a free profile and it is on the site for 48hrs and members of the opposite sex vote on whether or not you are accepted to the site. (I guess there are also no gay people allowed because they don't get to vote on other members of the same sex). Oh and did I forget to mention that it's a dating site? Yeah, so "beautiful people" flocking together in groups is not that far off from the truth.

The voting buttons are as follows:

Yes, Definitely!
Hmmm, yes ok.
Hmmm, no not really.
No definitely not!

How sad would that be if you put your photo seriously on here and you got a bunch of Hmmm, no not really's and No definitely Not's! LOL.

The funny thing is, that I should be apalled that they would even make a website like this but in fact I'm curious about whether or not I would be accepted. I am thinking about posting a profile to this site just to see whether or not I get accepted. Apparently only 24% of Canadian women have been accepted to the site based on however many have applied (and really, who knows what kind of people are uploading their pics to this site), and only 23% of Canadian men. I want to bring up those stats! JK, I just seriously want to see how many no's and how many yes's I would get if I tried.

Germany is apparently does not have very good stats on the site due to the grim expressions people are posting in their profile pictures, no smiles... all seriousness. I find that the most hilarious thing because why would you even bother posting a picture in that case, you might as well write off your acceptance from the get go.

SO, I will definitely keep you guys updated as to whether or not I bring up the Canadian stats, or whether or not I will be slighting depressed for a few days ha ha ha. Just kidding, who knows who's even voting on your picture and how many people actually voted.

Another update: putting in an offer on a house tomorrow evening! I will let you know whether or not I will be moving into my first home or if I will have to continue the search!

Have a good one!

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