Friday, November 6, 2009



We're going to look at houses tomorrow!!! I'm getting really excited for the first house we're going to see because if we like it we're going to put in an offer as soon as we can! It would be perfect for the two of us, it's on 5.5 acres and it's super close to the city. It was built only like 30 years ago (which is a lot newer than some of the other houses we've looked at that were built in the early 1900's) so that means that the setup is going to be a lot better than the other houses although that also means 70's construction so wood paneling lol.

I'm so excited!!!

(So, knowing this... you guys might be receiving a depressed post from me tomorrow or Sunday if we don't end up liking it lol)

OR... even worse, we like it and then next week when they're accepting offers we don't get it. That will be an even more depressing post to read... Beware.

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