Tuesday, June 30, 2009

To Thine Own Self Be...

I was rifling through my old school stuff last night and I came across something interesting.
So my grade 12 English teacher made us write short stories about different moments in our lives that created a shift in our thinking... an epiphany if you will... and this is what I came up with:

To Thine Own Self Be...

The game of life is one that may seem easy, but to some, can come with extreme difficulty.  What I mean is, life is not always simple.  When it comes to teenagers, there is always something that lies hidden from everyone else but themselves.
Elementary school was when I first realized that life was not so easy.  It was about grade six, the same year that the girls started liking the guys.  Cooties were officially extinct and hormones were over abundant.  It was also the year of my first boyfriend.  Alright, before I tell you the story, I have to clear up a few things.  First of all, I'm not a bad person, and second, I was really young when this all happened.
Okay, so it was December 1996 and I had just purchased my first pair of skin-tight black dress pants.  They were all the rage back then and everyone who was anyone had a pair.  That was also the year I started hanging out with the so-called "popular" kids.  The two came hand in hand, I swear it all started with that pair of pants.  
I remember it like it was yesterday.  I had just arrived at Highbury School for my shops class and there was a group of girls that were known as the prettiest girls in 6th grade standing outside waiting for the bell to go.  Just as I had exited my mom's car, I heard one of the girls yell out to me.
"Hey Megan, those pants look awesome on you!"  It was one of the girls I talked to a little bit, but did not really know all that well.  Well, long-story-short, I ended up sitting at their table during class and when it was over we had already made plans to hang out on the weekend.
She introduced me to all the guys that weekend, one of which I already kind of had a crush on.  We'll just call him Tyler...
Moving on...
As I started hanging out with them more and more often, I had generated somewhat of a good reputation, and as a matter of fact, a couple weeks later I was asked to the Christmas Dance by Tyler himself.  I know what you're thinking; it's corny as hell, I mean, who goes to school dances anyway?  Well, when I was younger it was a very big deal.
And so the story goes, I ended up dancing with him just once, and a couple other guys throughout the festivities.  Only days later, I received a note in class telling me to meet him after school in the hallway where our lockers were located.  I knew exactly what was going to happen when I saw him standing there and to my surprise there were others standing around as well.  I was about to get asked out by one of the most popular guys in our grade!  I was really nervous and I'm sure everyone noticed because I barely talked at all.
Here's the thing... I didn't really like him enough to go out with him but then when the moment came, I froze.  I didn't want to seem like a loser and I didn't want to embarrass him in front of his friends, so I accepted.  That was a big mistake on my part.  I mean, I had absolutely no interest in the guy other than the pure need to be accepted by my peers so I was basically just going out with him in order to be considered "cool".  I know this sounds bad, but I have a feeling he just asked me because his friends had told him to, so we were even in that respect.
In the weeks that followed, we talked a few times on the phone but I really was just not that interested, and I'm sure he could tell.  After a couple of weeks, our relationship dissipated and we drifted further and further apart, as did my popularity.  I felt like every only liked me because of what I was wearing, and who I was dating.  This was not the life for me.  
It was right around the beginning of grade eight when I realized that there were people who liked me for me, and nothing else.  I had just met a couple other girls who had gone through similar situations, and we instantly formed a friendship.  When other girls had started smoking and drinking in order to be considered cool, we remained unaffected by the peer pressure in its entirety.  Eventually, once high school rolled around, that same group of girls had realized what we already knew, that the right people will like you for who you are, and not who you are trying to be.
Everyone always says that high school is when you first discover who you truly are.  I guess for me, I figured it out a little early and I was just waiting for a few others to catch up.  Soon enough, after having played my cards right, I ended up a social butterfly of sorts.  I did not disrespect anyone, and I was nice to everyone.  I realized that it's not about how cool you are or whom you hang out with, it's about accepting everyone and being the best that you can be, without trying to be someone that you are not.
There's no use in changing the way you play the game in order to be accepted on to someone else's team.  Do your best, and the rest will come.  Be true to yourself and I guarantee that someone will think of you as their most valuable player.

Well... that's it!  Keep in mind that I wrote this in grade 12... I tweaked it a bit as I was typing it out... but it's basically the same story...

Monday, June 29, 2009

Greatest Show Yet!

Ragdoll Physics at the Park Theatre... May 20th, 2009.

I figured that I would have blogged about this when it actually happened... but I wasn't really into the blogging as of yet... so here we go...

Dana, Tayo, and Mark form the group Ragdoll Physics.  (Dana is my older brother... and he is on the drums in this video)

Living in Red opened up for Ragdoll Physics and they definitely put on a great show.  The band, made up of four people in their very early twenties, has sort of a Paramore-esque sound to them, what with their female lead singer whose voice is very similar in nature.  

And then there was Ragdoll Physics.  Their best show yet.  I've always said that they have great 
stage presence but man did they ever put on a good show that night.  Tayo, the lead singer and guitarist, even played piano for the intro of one song and the spotlight was on him for a while.  Ex-bassist from Econoline Crush, Mark was on bass and managed to learn all of the songs within a two to three week period flawlessly.  The video posted above is of one of their latest tunes "Chemical World", unfortunately I did not realize that it was going to be their last song and I was on my way to move into a better recording 
angle when the show ended, so naturally I only got a small portion of the song.

The band definitely left the crowd wanting more, as they did not prepare an encore (who does
 when you're not really famous yet) but people still chanted for upwards of 10 minutes before the crowd started to dissipate. 

Visit their myspace page here.

Help me Blog my way to Antarctica...

So I thought... this will be fun, I will enter a contest wherein the contestants have to create a blog post explaining why they should be the ones to win an all-expense paid trip to Antarctica to blog about their adventures and let everyone see that it really is worth it to make the trip to see it.  Well, when I originally entered, I noticed that there were only 10 pages of bloggers... about 182 people to be precise... I like those odds... and I also noticed that the most votes that one person in the first two pages had, was only 40 at the time.

THEN... I kept on clicking through the pages... and my chances seemed to get slimmer and slimmer as the people with the most votes kept climbing...  I think I was shocked at first when I saw that there was someone with 114 votes when most people had 5 or 6... but then there it was... over 500 votes!  There is one guy on there who has blogged before, who has gone on multiple excursions such as this, calls himself an amateur photographer... and that is when I knew I had no chance.  Me, an amateur blogger (even though the contest does say that you do not need to be an expert... I think that the voters are leaning that way)

That's it.  Dreams crushed.  I don't think there is even the slightest chance that I will win this contest.  Damn me and my non-blogging for so many years... I only started a week ago so there is no way that I can compete with the vets.  Also, I haven't been anywhere really, so I can't even say that I've told a story through my pictures... sad sad sad.

Oh well, here's hoping for the pity votes to at least put me in the top 50 bloggers!

If you haven't already done so... please give me your pity vote :)


Sunday, June 28, 2009

Rock on the Range 2009!!!

One word.  RAINY.  Well... there are a few other words I will use to describe it I guess... but that was the main theme of the day/evening.  At least there was no mud.

We arrived at the Stadium at around 3pm... during Pop Evil's set (I wish I could have seen them, they sounded great even from outside the gates.)  We walked in right in time to see Thornley though, who were great.  They would have been even more great if we weren't forced to cover our faces with our hoods to avoid the wind and rain that was blowing all over the place.  Aside from the shitty weather, Thornley played an awesome set, which included a lot of Big Wreck tunes... which I love and they had great stage presence.

Then we moved over to the second stage to watch Hollywood Undead... who for lack of a better word, stunk.  There were 6 guys in masks rapping... you do the math to figure out how much this sucked.  We definitely wanted our 25 minutes back.

The highlights of the evening for me were: Thornley, Shinedown, Inward Eye, Rise Against, and of course, Billy Talent.  As the last act of the evening, and the headliner, Billy Talent put on an awesome show and made the crowd forget that they were drenched and freezing.  Of course, by that time the rain had subsided, so it was a lot easier to enjoy.  They mixed it up by playing songs from all three albums including a very appropriate "Rusted from the Rain" tune in the set list... and I believe they were by far everyone's favourite band of the event.

All in all, it would have been nice to have some sun, but we still had a great time!  (Minus the bathroom break we took where someone was being dragged out of there because they had puked all over one of the stalls... that wasn't so pretty.)

SO, I wish I could say that I had a few pictures to post for you guys... but unfortunately I did not bring my camera to the 8-hour concert (well, 8 hours for us anyways... 10-11 for anyone who showed up at the beginning...)

Friday, June 26, 2009


On a side note... does anyone ever use Webdings as a font for their blog posts? Seriously... why is that even an option??


More than meets the eye...

So... I finally went to see Transformers II: Revenge of the Fallen!!! Man was it ever good! (Sidenote: I used to watch the cartoon when I was young, and I even love the noise that they make when they transform... so this movie didn't have to do much if it had those sounds lol jk)

So we went to the 10:30 show, not too packed until right before the show so we ended up getting pretty good seats, and an entire side row to ourselves. The movie started off with a flashback to 17000 B.C. which was a nice back story to start off with, and then went straight into the action. I thought that the Decepticon/Autobot fighting was excellent, possibly better than the first movie because it was a lot easier to pick out what was happening this time around, and that the love story was still there but was a little bit more interesting this time around. That was the one thing that I didn't like about the first movie, the fight scenes were shot too tight and it was difficult to pick out what was happening.

The one thing that I really liked is that this movie introduced a bunch of new interesting characters! The "elder" decepticon was great, the Fallen, some of the new autobots... just all around interesting to see them transform... and of course which new car they were portraying lol... gotta love shameless advertising in movies.

Overall I think that if you liked the first one, you'll like this one. If you hated the first one, then don't bother seeing this one because it's basically the same thing lol. GOODNESS :)

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Swine Flu Weekend...

Well well well... who knew that after this past girls' weekend at the cabin, that most of us would end up sick and home from work?

Well, I'm exaggerating, only me, and two others I believe were feeling the wrath of the "almost H1N1" flu-like symptoms...

So anyhow, on my way out to the cabin, KBod turns to me and says "By the way, there were two confirmed cases of H1N1 at my work, and I have a cough... so you might get the Swine by driving me out to the cabin" LOL. Wasn't too worried about it... and then came Monday... but I will get to that after I tell you about our glorious weekend...

So, somehow, even though I haphazardly chose 3 weekends to have all the girls out to my cabin this year, the first one ended up being the nicest weekend so far this year!  With temperatures of +28 on Saturday and +30 on Sunday... we were bound to burn... it was certain.
So, we headed out to the cabin (almost all in separate vehicles, don't know how that worked out...) and then made our way to Grand Beach Saturday morning.  The sun was shining and we were having an awesome time.  BUT, there was a lack of people there.  I don't get it, free park admission, great weather... and NO ONE SHOWED UP!  We were excited about all of the extra room we had, but seriously... Grand Beach... not crowded on a Saturday... something has to be wrong.

Anywho, after a full day of burning (yes burning for most people... Alix and I managed to get away unscathed) we headed back to my cabin for some delicious Costco burgers and chips.  We then proceeded to start drinking, and that's when the fun began.  I was introduced to a game our friend Alix brought called Timberr, which is basically a knock-off of Jenga, but with blank blocks that her and her friends had written different tasks on each one.  So each time you grabbed a block from the bottom you had to read it and do what it said, or drink instead.  If you put it back on top and the whole thing fell, you had to down your drink.  There were some pretty interesting ones... including but not limited to... "Embarrassing Story", "Give 3", "Worst Sex Story", "Sing a Song"... etc.  So you can imagine where a game like this left 8 of us girls and countless amounts of booze...  GOOD TIMES!

All I have to say is that I definitely got to know my girls a lot better this weekend... and I'm sure they can say the same for me!  We didn't even touch the tunes, or the TV... just played that game all night!

So then the morning comes... everyone's burnt... and most people had to leave early in order to go to Father's Day events... except for Alix and I... we didn't have to be anywhere until later on that day... so naturally, being the die-hard beach bums that we are... we went to Birds Hill before heading home... again, awesome weather... and I for sure burnt my shoulders on the Sunday!

All in all... a great girls' weekend cabin success and I cannot wait for the July Edition!

So Monday rolls around... and apparently I'm sick.  I went in to work anyway... thinking it was no biggy, but then I realized that I was a lot sicker than I thought.  I started coughing uncontrollably at my desk, and I felt super hot, and then cold... and then hot again... but I stuck it out till the end of the day!  (I'm a trooper... and I decided that I would take the day after off instead...)

Needless to say, I do not think it was the Swine (LOL) but I definitely had the same thing that has been going around lately... who knows what it is.

Well... it's time for me to finish sketching out my latest work of art... which I will add pics on here if it turns out okay... I've been asked to paint/sketch a picture of a couple on their wedding as a late wedding present from one of their friends.  I hope it turns out okay!

Till next time... I will leave you with our Grand Beach 2009 Group pic #1...

Don't we look awesome??

Friday, June 19, 2009

Cabin this weekend

Hello Hello Hello...

So we are going to be heading out to the cabin this weekend for sun, friends, and good food and drinks! I can't wait for everyone to come out to my grandparents' cabin and enjoy the awesome weather we are going to have this weekend!
I will post a few pictures after the weekend... but here's to a good time!

International Sushi Day!

Well, it's the day afterward, but I definitely had sushi yesterday on International Sushi Day! To the left you will see my order from Sushi Ya on Corydon here in Winnipeg which consists of a cucumber roll, an avocado roll, and a Winnipeg Dream Roll (Yes, that's right, local rolls!).
It was extremely delicious and I need to pay tribute. Note: soya sauce & Spicy Sauce on side.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Internation Sushi Day!!

So I figure... there's a group on Facebook saying that today is International Sushi Day... so I HAVE to have some sushi today lol. (Any excuse is good for me)

So I went down to my favourite Sushi Place in Winnipeg (Sushi Ya on Corydon) and I am currently enjoying a Winnipeg Dream Roll, a Cucumber Roll & an Avocado Roll... all dipped in their house spicy sauce which is amazingly addictive!

I LOVE SUSHI!! All washed down with a refreshing Diet GO2 Cola!

If I could figure out how to add a picture I would... it's delicious!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Trailers Trailers Trailers!!

Well, obviously this is old news... but I figured I'd add post it because I am getting more and more excited about these movies!

New Moon Trailer:

The Half-Blood Prince Trailer:

Tranformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen

I cannot wait for these movies... and of course a few others... I was just too lazy to embed all of the trailers into this post...

I am lovin' the movies coming out this year though!  Cannot wait to see Transformers next week!!

Generation Tame...

Amongst the flyers and Quality Newsletters piled on the back table at work lays the April 13th issue of Maclean's magazine... the Cover Story being OMG!! What happened to Teenagers???

Now, being curious about this, I definitely had to read the article that was referenced... apparently, and this may come to a shock to everyone, teenagers are actually becoming more responsible when it comes to drugs, drinking and sex.

According to Project Teen Canada, whose ongoing survey show in-depth portraits of teen life (dating back to 1984), Alcohol use among youth has fallen 7% in the last eight years. Smoking has plunged to unseen levels, while marijuana use, though still higher than 20 years ago, is still well below what is was in 2000. As for sex, 56 percent of teens say that they are still virgins (so basically, if they are having it, they're not admitting to it lol).

This is quite comforting to me... I don't know about you, but when I think about having kids... I always go straight to the trials and tribulations of having to cope with a teenager getting in trouble, doing drugs, the sex talk... all of those lovely things that will keep me up at night when I'm in my 4o's. As it turns out, even though teens today are growing up in the age of the greatest divorce rate ever, they seem to really value Family and do not want to "disappoint" their parents.

I think it might have something to do with the fact that kids today have a half child/half friend relationship with at least one of their parents. For me, I find that my mom, sister and I will go out for lunch, or to a movie, or even for drinks at least once a week. I find it refreshing that I can hang out with my mom and she's on the same level as we are. I can't imagine growing up in a time where the parents were so out of touch with reality that they had no clue what was going on with their children. My mom's on Facebook for heaven's sake!

I think that the level of respect you get from your kids has a lot to do with the level of trust you give to them. When asked to name their greatest influences, 9 out of 10 teens named either their mother or their father. (I can only imagine that the 1 out of 10 named either a sibling or misc person)

I never wanted to make my parents feel like they couldn't trust me, and therefore there were no restraints put on me. I have never had a curfew, I was allowed to have the occasional drink at parties when I was 16 or 17 and it was known that I wasn't stupid, so I wouldn't let it affect my life, my school life or my relationships. When my parents left for holidays in the winter, it was known that we would have people over to the house, and it was accepted, because my mom knew that I would keep things under control and make sure that the house was clean before they returned.

I think it's great that the "millenials" seem to have good heads on their shoulders. The more emphasis we place on the importance of family, and the less strict and untrusting parents seem to be, seems to be working. The article also mentions that in an age where the average teen does not attend church weekly, they seem to stay true to more values and are behaving significantly better than when the average teen attended church on a regular basis. I thought this was interesting considering a lot of people think that church is important because it bestows values and morals on people. I believe (and this latest survey result has confirmed) that the most important influence on a person is their environment, but mostly their parents and friends. If the parents are preaching good morals and trust their kids to find their own ways, I think that the majority of them will turn out just fine.

Well, that's my long opinion for the day... I just had to mention that it makes me feel a lot better about bringing children into the world in the next few years... not to have to worry as much about the pressures society has been putting on them to behave so badly.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Logic is so Logical...

I just wanted to see if anyone knows where the name of my blog is from???

My First Official Blog... EVER

Hello Hello...

So I am new to this blogging thing... so do not expect a whole lot from me in the next few posts... I will try to update this as much as possible... and hopefully make it into something that people actually want to read... but for now, I'm just playing. (At work... OOPS)

Busy Day today... a lot of meetings and training going on in the office this week... all in preparation for our product launch coming up in October 2009... exciting stuff... and very time consuming... I will spare you the details, but I am definitely in the process of ordering over 1000 different parts for our product... and keeping track of them manually for the time being is becoming more of a headache than I thought it was going to be...

Oh well, here's to people who's jobs go by super fast because they are really busy all day!!