Monday, June 29, 2009

Help me Blog my way to Antarctica...

So I thought... this will be fun, I will enter a contest wherein the contestants have to create a blog post explaining why they should be the ones to win an all-expense paid trip to Antarctica to blog about their adventures and let everyone see that it really is worth it to make the trip to see it.  Well, when I originally entered, I noticed that there were only 10 pages of bloggers... about 182 people to be precise... I like those odds... and I also noticed that the most votes that one person in the first two pages had, was only 40 at the time.

THEN... I kept on clicking through the pages... and my chances seemed to get slimmer and slimmer as the people with the most votes kept climbing...  I think I was shocked at first when I saw that there was someone with 114 votes when most people had 5 or 6... but then there it was... over 500 votes!  There is one guy on there who has blogged before, who has gone on multiple excursions such as this, calls himself an amateur photographer... and that is when I knew I had no chance.  Me, an amateur blogger (even though the contest does say that you do not need to be an expert... I think that the voters are leaning that way)

That's it.  Dreams crushed.  I don't think there is even the slightest chance that I will win this contest.  Damn me and my non-blogging for so many years... I only started a week ago so there is no way that I can compete with the vets.  Also, I haven't been anywhere really, so I can't even say that I've told a story through my pictures... sad sad sad.

Oh well, here's hoping for the pity votes to at least put me in the top 50 bloggers!

If you haven't already done so... please give me your pity vote :)


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