Tuesday, June 16, 2009

My First Official Blog... EVER

Hello Hello...

So I am new to this blogging thing... so do not expect a whole lot from me in the next few posts... I will try to update this as much as possible... and hopefully make it into something that people actually want to read... but for now, I'm just playing. (At work... OOPS)

Busy Day today... a lot of meetings and training going on in the office this week... all in preparation for our product launch coming up in October 2009... exciting stuff... and very time consuming... I will spare you the details, but I am definitely in the process of ordering over 1000 different parts for our product... and keeping track of them manually for the time being is becoming more of a headache than I thought it was going to be...

Oh well, here's to people who's jobs go by super fast because they are really busy all day!!

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