Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Trailers Trailers Trailers!!

Well, obviously this is old news... but I figured I'd add post it because I am getting more and more excited about these movies!

New Moon Trailer:

The Half-Blood Prince Trailer:

Tranformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen

I cannot wait for these movies... and of course a few others... I was just too lazy to embed all of the trailers into this post...

I am lovin' the movies coming out this year though!  Cannot wait to see Transformers next week!!


  1. I am very excited for all of these too; however, the movie I am the most excited for right now is Inglorious Basterds! It's going to be gorier than the first 10 minutes of Saving Private Ryan!

  2. oh dear god, i'm soooooo excited for new moon!!! i just hope they don't make the phasing look like chronicles of narnia shit. i'm going to bring my books to read on the beach. a little sun and hardcovers, ahhhhh.

    is it sick that i want to burn this weekend? like really, just burn till i get that nice golden colour...

    xo d.

  3. If only the rest of us would burn into a nice golden colour lol. I'll be the one in a long sleeve shirt and a hat.

  4. I'm looking to burn as well... so don't worry lol... just a little... all except for my tattoo area that is...
