Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Swine Flu Weekend...

Well well well... who knew that after this past girls' weekend at the cabin, that most of us would end up sick and home from work?

Well, I'm exaggerating, only me, and two others I believe were feeling the wrath of the "almost H1N1" flu-like symptoms...

So anyhow, on my way out to the cabin, KBod turns to me and says "By the way, there were two confirmed cases of H1N1 at my work, and I have a cough... so you might get the Swine by driving me out to the cabin" LOL. Wasn't too worried about it... and then came Monday... but I will get to that after I tell you about our glorious weekend...

So, somehow, even though I haphazardly chose 3 weekends to have all the girls out to my cabin this year, the first one ended up being the nicest weekend so far this year!  With temperatures of +28 on Saturday and +30 on Sunday... we were bound to burn... it was certain.
So, we headed out to the cabin (almost all in separate vehicles, don't know how that worked out...) and then made our way to Grand Beach Saturday morning.  The sun was shining and we were having an awesome time.  BUT, there was a lack of people there.  I don't get it, free park admission, great weather... and NO ONE SHOWED UP!  We were excited about all of the extra room we had, but seriously... Grand Beach... not crowded on a Saturday... something has to be wrong.

Anywho, after a full day of burning (yes burning for most people... Alix and I managed to get away unscathed) we headed back to my cabin for some delicious Costco burgers and chips.  We then proceeded to start drinking, and that's when the fun began.  I was introduced to a game our friend Alix brought called Timberr, which is basically a knock-off of Jenga, but with blank blocks that her and her friends had written different tasks on each one.  So each time you grabbed a block from the bottom you had to read it and do what it said, or drink instead.  If you put it back on top and the whole thing fell, you had to down your drink.  There were some pretty interesting ones... including but not limited to... "Embarrassing Story", "Give 3", "Worst Sex Story", "Sing a Song"... etc.  So you can imagine where a game like this left 8 of us girls and countless amounts of booze...  GOOD TIMES!

All I have to say is that I definitely got to know my girls a lot better this weekend... and I'm sure they can say the same for me!  We didn't even touch the tunes, or the TV... just played that game all night!

So then the morning comes... everyone's burnt... and most people had to leave early in order to go to Father's Day events... except for Alix and I... we didn't have to be anywhere until later on that day... so naturally, being the die-hard beach bums that we are... we went to Birds Hill before heading home... again, awesome weather... and I for sure burnt my shoulders on the Sunday!

All in all... a great girls' weekend cabin success and I cannot wait for the July Edition!

So Monday rolls around... and apparently I'm sick.  I went in to work anyway... thinking it was no biggy, but then I realized that I was a lot sicker than I thought.  I started coughing uncontrollably at my desk, and I felt super hot, and then cold... and then hot again... but I stuck it out till the end of the day!  (I'm a trooper... and I decided that I would take the day after off instead...)

Needless to say, I do not think it was the Swine (LOL) but I definitely had the same thing that has been going around lately... who knows what it is.

Well... it's time for me to finish sketching out my latest work of art... which I will add pics on here if it turns out okay... I've been asked to paint/sketch a picture of a couple on their wedding as a late wedding present from one of their friends.  I hope it turns out okay!

Till next time... I will leave you with our Grand Beach 2009 Group pic #1...

Don't we look awesome??

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