Friday, June 26, 2009

More than meets the eye...

So... I finally went to see Transformers II: Revenge of the Fallen!!! Man was it ever good! (Sidenote: I used to watch the cartoon when I was young, and I even love the noise that they make when they transform... so this movie didn't have to do much if it had those sounds lol jk)

So we went to the 10:30 show, not too packed until right before the show so we ended up getting pretty good seats, and an entire side row to ourselves. The movie started off with a flashback to 17000 B.C. which was a nice back story to start off with, and then went straight into the action. I thought that the Decepticon/Autobot fighting was excellent, possibly better than the first movie because it was a lot easier to pick out what was happening this time around, and that the love story was still there but was a little bit more interesting this time around. That was the one thing that I didn't like about the first movie, the fight scenes were shot too tight and it was difficult to pick out what was happening.

The one thing that I really liked is that this movie introduced a bunch of new interesting characters! The "elder" decepticon was great, the Fallen, some of the new autobots... just all around interesting to see them transform... and of course which new car they were portraying lol... gotta love shameless advertising in movies.

Overall I think that if you liked the first one, you'll like this one. If you hated the first one, then don't bother seeing this one because it's basically the same thing lol. GOODNESS :)

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