Tuesday, September 29, 2009

-2 today!!

Holy Shizz, it was -2 this morning! It's supposed to be fall right now, but I think we're going to skip that and go straight to winter! I am sad to say that I brought out the mitts this morning... just thin ones, but seriously, I wore them last night at the arena (to watch the bf's hockey game) and they kept me super warm.

I think I'm going to try and enter a makeup contest on youtube, it's by Sharksbitoflife, and she's putting on a "Welcome to the Neighbourhood" contest, where you have to go out and take pictures of your street, or town, and then do a makeup look inspires by what you see... it's pretty interesing and I can't wait to give it a try! I'm really liking this youtube thing!!

It's a sad week in St Vital...

Well, I don't really know how to put into words how sad this past weekend has been. One of the community's greatest hockey coaches passed away on Friday night of a heart attack while on his way home.

Ron Smith was one of the nicest, most caring individuals I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. I was fortunate enough to have played hockey with his daughter and to have him as my coach for several years. We always knew that Ron was there looking out for us whether it be hockey, or our every day lives. He helped both of my older brothers get jobs, and got them and my boyfriend out of trouble a few times while at those jobs! He was like a second hockey dad to me. He's touched a lot of people's hearts in Winnipeg and he will be dearly missed by all.

The funeral is tomorrow morning at 11:00am at the Westwood Community Church off Portage Avenue. It should be a packed house, so get there early if you would like to get a seat.

Rest in Peace Ron... we'll miss you and we all love you very much!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

My First Halloween Makeup Tutorial: Girly Corpse Look!

Hey guys...

SO... I decided last night after I got home that I was going to try out a few things and hopefully come up with something for my Halloween costume. Well, I didn't come up with anything that I'm going to use... but I did come up with a pretty good corpse look... AND, I uploaded it to youtube!!

Check it out!

Click Here to be redirected.


Friday, September 25, 2009

I'm on Youtube!!

Hey Everyone,

(Everyone meaning like two people)

I uploaded my first video to youtube last night! I actually ended up uploading 4 vids last night, just a cute one of some kittens I videotaped following my mom's hand at the pet store, and then one of Oscar (our big orange cat) getting high off catnip and acting super weird. Then I uploaded an old video of my brother's band playing at the Zoo, and one of local band Tele when I saw them at the Park Theatre back in March.

I'm thinking about starting to do makeup tutorials and stuff like that on youtube... we'll see how well I do. I actually just really want to get into editing videos and that sort of stuff, so I've been reading up on how to edit videos in iMovie. Any other suggestions for programs I should check out for Macs, please comment! I'm looking at you D!

Well, here's the youtube channel page if you're interested... I've got one subscriber already! LOL... saw the cute kitten video and hit subscribe I guess!

Click Here to be redirected to my youtube page.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

New Moon Trailer...

Watch it.


Zombie/Vampire Makeup...


This is the next makeup idea that I am going to try... once I go out and get myself a new liquid eyeliner... actually, at the moment I don't really have a good pencil eyeliner either! Dollarama and Wal-Mart here I come! (PS. the dollarama 2-pack black eyeliners that come with sharpening caps are the best eyeliners I've had!)

Sunday, September 20, 2009


Here are some pictures from the party this weekend out at my cabin.  Below is a picture of a bunch of us playing the "Mushroom" drinking game.  You have to guess whether or not the card you are about to pick up is going to be black or red, and then if you get it wrong, you have to drink and then place the card (with at least two edges off of the stack) onto the beer bottle.  If you guess right, you get to make someone else do it.  AND... if you knock the pile off the beer bottle then you have to finish your whole drink.  Super fun... except when you have a shaky table and a bunch of people playing twister right beside you!

 It was my brother's birthday and he decided that he wanted to have a Mustache Party.  Also, to make sure that everyone followed the theme, he had a bowl of mustaches at the door and if you weren't wearing one you had to grab one out of the bowl! 
It was actually pretty fun, except for the fact that we had some pretty cheap mustaches on, so after about an hour, it would sweat underneath them and they'd start to fall off... throughout the night my mustache moved to my chin and turned into a beard... all in all, a good time though!  I loved my eyebrows lol.
And yes, I was also sporting a bowler hat to complete my Charlie Chaplin look!


Leopard Makeup!!!

I was bored tonight after I got home from the cabin... and I decided to try out a tutorial on leopard makeup for halloween... here's what I came up with...

Ha ha ha.. yes, I'm weird.  I just got back from a Mustache Party.... pictures to follow.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Bored at work on a Friday??

Hey Guys,

Well, you probably have already guessed that I'm at work right now, and extremely bored. I've got half an hour to go, and I've just finished up all the work I had laid out for myself today.

SO, naturally, like any hard-working Canadian, I'm browsing the Internet. To be a little more specific, I'm actually googling "Websites for Bored People" LOL!

Here's what I found... pretty hilarious that there are so many out there, but this guy has a top 5 websites... and they're pretty hilarious. I'm about to check them all out before I leave I'm pretty sure.



Keane at the Burton Cummings Theatre

Keane Concert September 16th, 2009!!Image found at: http://artists.letssingit.com/keane-5sd7l/pictures/294573/1
Hello All,
As you know from my last post, my sister and I decided to buy tickets to see Keane at the Burton Cumming Theatre this past Wednesday. WOW is all I can say. We arrived promptly at 7:30 only to realize that we had missed the first band (Lindi Ortega?) and Lights was on stage.
Lights opened up the show (for us) with an amazing set. She was electric and put on a great show. She played about 7 or 8 songs which is great for an opening band and actually had a lightshow prepared as well which made it all the more interesting. Seeing her live actually made me want to purchase her CD or some merchandise in order to show my support. She also was hanging out with fans after the show in the lobby area and by the merchandise tables.
KEANE!!! They put on an amazing show and kept the audience entertained the entire time! With hits such as "Last Time" and "Somewhere Only we Know" the band rocked the house. They also kept the crowd involved with some witty banter in between songs. I thouroughly enjoyed the band, and am going to see them the next time they are in town, whenever that may be.
Just a side note: as with the Franz Ferdinand Concert, we ended up sitting only one row behind one of my close friends... so weird how coincidences happen.
I took a couple pictures at the show, but they didn't turn out so well, so I didn't bother posting them.
Honourable Mention: Keane did a cover of "Under Pressure" by Queen and it was AMAZING!! It's funny, because throughout the show my sister and I had commented that he sounded like the lead singer from Queen. SO GOOD!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

We might as well be strangers in another town...

I am heading to the Keane concert tonight with my sister!! Should be a good time! They're playing at the Burton Cummings Theatre, which is always good sound, and Lights is opening up for them.

I will review the concert tomorrow and hopefully I will have gotten a few good pics at that point.

The Dope Show.

So it occurred to me a few weeks ago that Marilyn Manson was coming to town and I absolutely could not miss that. I bought tickets (and actually took my mom with me, she loves him) and went to the show this past Sunday.

Well, to my disappointment, there were little to no theatrics that years of watching and listening to Marylin Manson had led me to believe there would be. He's getting old I guess, but that's no excuse! I expected to see some crazy makeup, outfits, stage... but all I got was an old man wearing a bit of makeup and some black boots. Oh yeah, did I mention that he's got a pot belly now? Interesting... doesn't quite go with his facade.

Now, I wouldn't be saying any of this IF despite the lack of a "stage presence", he had actually played all of his hits... but out of all of the songs that he chose, he only played three of the more popular ones. "Sweet Dreams", "The Dope Show", and I can't even remember the third.... maybe it was "Beautiful People" but I can't remember it being very good if it was.

I was expecting to at least hear my favourites, "Personal Jesus" and "The Nobodies"... OR, his newest tunes... such as "Heart Shaped Glasses"!! What gives? Who plans a set list that way?

And to top it off, there was a riot after the show. I'm not really sure what the story was, but apparently almost every cop car in Winnipeg was at the MTS Centre that night! Luckily, we went out the back as to avoid all that nonsense.

All in all, I give him a 2 out of 5 stars on the Megan scale. It was cool to see him, but it definitely was not worth the money we forked out.

I would post pictures fromt the show, but I couldn't really get any good ones from where we were sitting.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Debbie Downer

Okay so I'm not really a Debbie Downer today... I was just going to say that this weekend made me realize that I really really really really really need to get started on my weight loss soon! We were trying on a few things and the sizes that fit me were not what they used to be. One size up from the last time we went shopping in the states to tell you the truth. It's been a few months but I think I've packed on about 5-7lbs and I would like to get rid of them.

I started Weight Watchers again today (I know, I know... this time I will stick with it... yeah, I said that last time too) and so far it's going well. Breakfast and lunch were only 9 pts total so that leaves a decent amount of points left for the evening. I also just finished lunch, which is later than normal for me so I shouldn't be as hungry going into supper... or, I might eat later and therefore I won't be as tempted to snack afterward.

I am going to workout tonight as well! I'm thinking either Slim in 6, or 30-day Shred. I haven't decided yet.

Also, I still haven't taken any pictures of the clothes I bought while I was in Grand Forks and Fargo so I will have to do that as well. I just always end up getting really busy at night, and then hanging out with the bf so I don't end up doing what I say that I am going to. So, I will try to get those pictures tonight, if not tonight, then tomorrow night.

I posted one of my paintings on usedwinnipeg.com and someone is interested already! (I put it up yesterday afternoon and apparently 348 ppl had browsed the ad, and 20 ppl had opened it up) I am definitely going to start selling other things on there... screw garage sales... online garage sale is the way to go! I've got a few dresses I would like to sell... and possibly some tops, or purses... I could make a few bucks!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Ha ha ha... now that I GOT YOUR ATTENTION... I'll tell you about my weekend...

My mom and I decided that we were due for a shopping trip in Grand Forks/Fargo... so we went this past weekend (got back tonight as a matter of fact).  

Well... the weekend was great, bought a lot of nice stuff (pics will be posted later once I take some...) but the funniest part of the trip was the wedding dress I tried on!!  I decided that I am going to go as Tim Burton's the Corpse Bride for Halloween this year (Yes I know, so 3 years ago, but I love it!) anywho... so we decided to take a look in one of the many thrift stores Grand Forks has to offer, and the first one we went in had a wedding dress in it's garment bag, hanging in the window.  It turned out to be the only wedding dress they had in the store... and it was $100.  Beautiful dress, not a Halloween Costume in any way, shape, or form.  BUT, my mom was like: "You should try it on anyway!  It will be fun!"

So... I tried it on... and it fit like a glove!  I actually have a feeling that I may have jinxed myself now... now when I am actually going to be looking for a wedding dress, I won't be able to find one that looks that good on without crazy alterations and garbage.  So, we took a few pics on my phone and I have posted them for your viewing pleasure.  

Oh yeah, and even though I thought it would be CrAzY if I bought a wedding dress before even being engaged, I tell my boyfriend about it and he's like: "You should have bought it!  My sister's wedding dress was like 8 times the price and it didn't look that good!"  DAMN IT.  That is all.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Franz Ferdinand Concert and Other Stuff...

So the concert turned out to be awesome!  I don't even really listen to Franz Ferdinand, I kinda got sick of them after a while but man was there music ever good live!  Everyone was into it and the singer brought the crowd into the show so well.  It was great... unfortunately I did not bring my camera along in order to post a picture of the show, but just know that it was definitely worth seeing!

As for the rest of what's going on these days... well, my bf put in an offer on a place just outside the city (Wpg) with the condition that he sells his cottage lot in Seven Sisters Falls first.  We've got until the end of September to sell the place and buy the house... so we'll see what happens, but I am definitely already thinking of what colours I want in each room and how I'm going to decorate.  (Not gonna lie, I was in Wal-Mart today and I picked up some darker blue towels, and some brown ones... I'm thinking Blue, Brown and Cream bathroom!)  I'm so excited!  I haven't been able to decorate anything since my room like 3 years ago... I've got the itch!

I had a few of my girlfriends over tonight... so good!  We haven't seen each other in a while... some longer than others... and we had a bonfire in the backyard which turned out to be great.  I brought my collection of hard liquors (I buy a bottle every time I go down south) and mixes and we started off the night with Kelsey's Classic Cocktail... the Purple Rain.  It was fun... we went from about 8pm to 1am.  It was great catching up with everyone and I am definitely going to throw another bonfire party again soon.

Tomorrow is supposed to be gorgeous here in the Peg so I am definitely going to spend some time outside tanning during the day and then my mom and I are heading to Grand Forks tomorrow afternoon until Monday night for the holiday.  We're also going to hit up Fargo on Sunday and go to Burlington Coat Factory!! (One of my favourite stores!)

I love going to Burlington, Gordman's, Target, and believe it or not, JC Penny, they've got great deals.  This time around I am looking for work attire (and possibly a few casual tops) and then stuff for moving out.  I've gotta start stocking up and Gordman's has a lot of great stuff!

Well, I should head to bed because it's after 2am here right now...

I'll post pictures of what I got when I get back!!

Have a great long weekend everyone!!!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Franz Ferdinand Tonight!!

Hello All...

Definitely going to check out Franz Ferdinand tonight... no clue who the opening band is... but they are most likely going to be decent.

I will post pictures later and let you know how it was... hopefully get a little video for ya... but they're always watching for that, so maybe not!