Sunday, September 20, 2009

Leopard Makeup!!!

I was bored tonight after I got home from the cabin... and I decided to try out a tutorial on leopard makeup for halloween... here's what I came up with...

Ha ha ha.. yes, I'm weird.  I just got back from a Mustache Party.... pictures to follow.


  1. You seriously blow my mind sometimes!

  2. Ha ha ha... it's funny cause that was Sunday night... I thought it would be fun to try... and then I did it! It was awesome!

  3. Stay tuned... I'm going to try the skeleton one I saw just recently. Super fun to do... I love stage makeup! We should all go out one night with really cool makeup!! Pre-get ready at someone's place and do it all up... I saw this one where the girl actually had drawn a butterfly with one wing on one eye, and one wing half-way over the other... and all she used was some liquid eyeliner and then a bunch of different eyeshadows... it looked awesome. I will find the link and post it on here soon!

  4. PS. Look up Petrelude on Youtube. He's a guy who does all these crazy makeup looks... including drag makeup lol. Hint Hint.
