Friday, September 25, 2009

I'm on Youtube!!

Hey Everyone,

(Everyone meaning like two people)

I uploaded my first video to youtube last night! I actually ended up uploading 4 vids last night, just a cute one of some kittens I videotaped following my mom's hand at the pet store, and then one of Oscar (our big orange cat) getting high off catnip and acting super weird. Then I uploaded an old video of my brother's band playing at the Zoo, and one of local band Tele when I saw them at the Park Theatre back in March.

I'm thinking about starting to do makeup tutorials and stuff like that on youtube... we'll see how well I do. I actually just really want to get into editing videos and that sort of stuff, so I've been reading up on how to edit videos in iMovie. Any other suggestions for programs I should check out for Macs, please comment! I'm looking at you D!

Well, here's the youtube channel page if you're interested... I've got one subscriber already! LOL... saw the cute kitten video and hit subscribe I guess!

Click Here to be redirected to my youtube page.

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