Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Ha ha ha... now that I GOT YOUR ATTENTION... I'll tell you about my weekend...

My mom and I decided that we were due for a shopping trip in Grand Forks/Fargo... so we went this past weekend (got back tonight as a matter of fact).  

Well... the weekend was great, bought a lot of nice stuff (pics will be posted later once I take some...) but the funniest part of the trip was the wedding dress I tried on!!  I decided that I am going to go as Tim Burton's the Corpse Bride for Halloween this year (Yes I know, so 3 years ago, but I love it!) anywho... so we decided to take a look in one of the many thrift stores Grand Forks has to offer, and the first one we went in had a wedding dress in it's garment bag, hanging in the window.  It turned out to be the only wedding dress they had in the store... and it was $100.  Beautiful dress, not a Halloween Costume in any way, shape, or form.  BUT, my mom was like: "You should try it on anyway!  It will be fun!"

So... I tried it on... and it fit like a glove!  I actually have a feeling that I may have jinxed myself now... now when I am actually going to be looking for a wedding dress, I won't be able to find one that looks that good on without crazy alterations and garbage.  So, we took a few pics on my phone and I have posted them for your viewing pleasure.  

Oh yeah, and even though I thought it would be CrAzY if I bought a wedding dress before even being engaged, I tell my boyfriend about it and he's like: "You should have bought it!  My sister's wedding dress was like 8 times the price and it didn't look that good!"  DAMN IT.  That is all.

1 comment:

  1. Ha ha ha... I got a lot of people that told me I should have bought it, and a lot of people who actually thought that I was getting married. Seriously, do you think I would post pictures of the wedding dress I'm buying if I were buying one for my real wedding... on facebook? LOL
