Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Dope Show.

So it occurred to me a few weeks ago that Marilyn Manson was coming to town and I absolutely could not miss that. I bought tickets (and actually took my mom with me, she loves him) and went to the show this past Sunday.

Well, to my disappointment, there were little to no theatrics that years of watching and listening to Marylin Manson had led me to believe there would be. He's getting old I guess, but that's no excuse! I expected to see some crazy makeup, outfits, stage... but all I got was an old man wearing a bit of makeup and some black boots. Oh yeah, did I mention that he's got a pot belly now? Interesting... doesn't quite go with his facade.

Now, I wouldn't be saying any of this IF despite the lack of a "stage presence", he had actually played all of his hits... but out of all of the songs that he chose, he only played three of the more popular ones. "Sweet Dreams", "The Dope Show", and I can't even remember the third.... maybe it was "Beautiful People" but I can't remember it being very good if it was.

I was expecting to at least hear my favourites, "Personal Jesus" and "The Nobodies"... OR, his newest tunes... such as "Heart Shaped Glasses"!! What gives? Who plans a set list that way?

And to top it off, there was a riot after the show. I'm not really sure what the story was, but apparently almost every cop car in Winnipeg was at the MTS Centre that night! Luckily, we went out the back as to avoid all that nonsense.

All in all, I give him a 2 out of 5 stars on the Megan scale. It was cool to see him, but it definitely was not worth the money we forked out.

I would post pictures fromt the show, but I couldn't really get any good ones from where we were sitting.


  1. Two stars was generous, i would have only given him one. I would assume the song you're thinking of was Disposable Teens. He did play Beautiful People, it was his last song (who plays a one song encore anymore?). I wish he had played Silver Bullet, it's my favorite song and is on his greatist hits CD. In my opinion if it's on a greatest hits album, it should be played at a concert!

  2. I really like the Nobodies and Personal Jesus... I was waiting for those... but alas, he did not play them. BOO.
