Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Debbie Downer

Okay so I'm not really a Debbie Downer today... I was just going to say that this weekend made me realize that I really really really really really need to get started on my weight loss soon! We were trying on a few things and the sizes that fit me were not what they used to be. One size up from the last time we went shopping in the states to tell you the truth. It's been a few months but I think I've packed on about 5-7lbs and I would like to get rid of them.

I started Weight Watchers again today (I know, I know... this time I will stick with it... yeah, I said that last time too) and so far it's going well. Breakfast and lunch were only 9 pts total so that leaves a decent amount of points left for the evening. I also just finished lunch, which is later than normal for me so I shouldn't be as hungry going into supper... or, I might eat later and therefore I won't be as tempted to snack afterward.

I am going to workout tonight as well! I'm thinking either Slim in 6, or 30-day Shred. I haven't decided yet.

Also, I still haven't taken any pictures of the clothes I bought while I was in Grand Forks and Fargo so I will have to do that as well. I just always end up getting really busy at night, and then hanging out with the bf so I don't end up doing what I say that I am going to. So, I will try to get those pictures tonight, if not tonight, then tomorrow night.

I posted one of my paintings on and someone is interested already! (I put it up yesterday afternoon and apparently 348 ppl had browsed the ad, and 20 ppl had opened it up) I am definitely going to start selling other things on there... screw garage sales... online garage sale is the way to go! I've got a few dresses I would like to sell... and possibly some tops, or purses... I could make a few bucks!

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