Monday, August 31, 2009

Gray Makeup!! Pics...

Hello Hello...

Well, as promised... here are the gray/metallic makeup pics I was talking about earlier today.  

I'm not gonna lie though... I don't have a lot to say about it...

What I used:

Wal-mart eye pencil in dark gray.  (I'm not sure what the brand is)  I covered my lid with this to make the eyeshadow stick.
Silver eyeshadow on the lid.
Charcoal eyeshadow in the crease and worked my way upward to the brow bone.
Shimmer eyeshadow close to the colour of my skin for the brow bone... and for blending with the charcoal.
Highlight (shiny white metallic eyeshadow) for just under the brows and in the inner corners of the eyes.

And then as usual (or as in this and the pink looks) I put my body shop bronzer and nyc blush on to complete the look.

Enjoy!  Please comment.

More Makeup!! (Grays...)

I took a few pictures yesterday... and I will add them on here hopefully tonight... but yeah... I did a gray look yesterday... kind of a smokey eye, pretty dramatic... I will post pictures later on tonight if I get the chance. I hope you like it!

Sunday, August 30, 2009


So... lately I have been watching a lot of youtube makeup tutorials... and I started to try a few out on myself... today I decided to do a pink look that I saw in one of the videos.  I think I did a pretty good job... 
Open-eyed view of today's pink look.  I used the 88 Palette by Coastal Scents... there are many pinks on the palette but I only ended up using two of them and then I used a light purple, and dark blue for shading.  Then... my trusty MAC white shiny eyeshadow for highlighting.

You can really see the different colours I used in the picture above.  I had a lot of fun creating this look and I hope you can try it out for yourself.  The key is really blending... never leave a harsh line in your makeup... blending is your friend!

Here's a shot of the finished look... as I mentioned above... I used the 88 palette colours for eyes, and then I lined the upper lash line and waterline with black eyeliner for effect.  On my cheeks I used Body Shop's Bronzing Beads (Valentine's Day Gift from the BF a few years back... still got em!  They're great!) for contouring, and then a mixed Blush Palette I picked up a Wal-Mart for super cheap on the apples of my cheeks.  Finished it off with a pink gloss that I would tell you where it was from, but I've had it forever and I forget... 


Wednesday, August 26, 2009

This is the video I was talking about in my last post.  It is of the CN train that goes by about 5 times a day right in front of the cabin out in Niddrie.  Niddrie is one of those old CN towns that now have been turned into cabins for descendants of old CN Trainmasters and conductors.  It's pretty neat actually, I guess the only way out to this place used to be by train, but now there are logging roads that lead us just close enough to off road the rest of the way.  Pretty neat to be in the middle of nowhere with no running water, no electricity... no other people.  Crazy.


Okay... so I've been really bad... apparently I haven't been following my diet for the last few days... I went away for the weekend until yesterday and I went completely nuts with the beer, chips, steak, chicken dinner... the whole lot!  

Today (Tuesday... yes it's like 12:30 in the morning...) is going to be my new Day 1!  I'm horrible at this apparently, but I have to keep trying.  Good news is, I didn't gain any weight this week, bad news is that I didn't lose any either.  I'm going to stay positive though and hope for the best from now on.  I don't have any more trips planned, because I know those are the worst for stay on the diet... so yeah, I should be fine.  

I attached a picture from this weekend... I went to my bf's friend's cabin in the middle of nowhere in Ontario.  We literally had to go about 45 mins off the highway on logging roads, and then off-road for about 30 mins before getting to a parking spot in the bush where we then had to climb onto the train tracks and walk about a half-mile up the tracks to the cabin, which is about 50 feet away from the tracks!  It's kind of funny actually, because there are trains that go by about 5 times a day, sometimes more, and they always wave and honk the horn ha ha ha.  I took a video to show how close we were to them when we were in the front yard.  You can't really see very well because they go by at about 50 miles an hour I think... so like 70-80km/hr.  Pretty fast when they're that close to us.  I'll post that video when I'm finished writing this one.  It was beaut
iful out there though, no one around us, beautiful lakes, trees, no buildings.  It was great... except for the fact that we had to wash in the lake... which was freezing this weekend!  And the mosquitos were horrible!  I have so many bites on my legs it looks like I have a disease!
I caught my first fish this weekend too!  (First time I have ever been fishing!!)  I ended up catching the most fish out of all of us too!  (7 of them... two pickerel, and 5 jack fish)  Of course we had to through them all back, because the pickerel (walleye) were too small to eat, and apparently jack fish have lots of bones and you shouldn't eat them at this time of year... something about being wormy lol.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Day 9... August 18

Well, once again I did not post my points at the end of the day for yesterday... I was over at the bf's place watching a movie and falling asleep LOL. So naturally when I got home I just went straight to bed.

The points total for yesterday was 30, so I have used another 7 flex points which puts me down to 24 for the week. This week's flex points are moving out a lot faster than last week that's for sure!

Today's been an ok day so far... went out for lunch and had a whole grain individual pizza for which I only ate 4 or 5 small pieces... so that's probably about 8 or 9 pts max... I will confirm later... and then I had a couple pieces of chocolate afterward... I will let you know!

PS... now the mortgage plan is to possibly get one under his name, and one under my name (which I would rent out in order to afford half of his mortgage as well... equity equity equity!)

Could be good times... we'll see what we can afford.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Day 8... First Day of week 2!

Good Morning!

(Well, as good as it can be when you're as tired as I am...) I went out with 5 girls that I haven't seen since highschool last night and I stayed out way too late! I have to get up fairly early in the morning to go to work and therefore when I go out on a weekday I always end up not getting enough sleep. I'm definitely looking forward to going to be super early tonight!

Well, I am posting my points from yesterday just now, because obviously I was out last night so I didn't have the chance.

So here we go:

Pear 2pts
Freezie 2pts
Soup 2pts
Crackers 3pts
Ham 4pts
Veggies 1pt
Potato 4pts

Then later on....

2 beers 6pts
Chips&Salsa 3pts

For a grand total of 27 pts! So that means that I am using 4 flex points for yesterday... so I am down to 35 flex points for the week.

Wish me luck!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Day 7 & Weigh In Day!!

I weighed myself this morning... and guess what??? I've lost 4 pounds so far!!! I am so excited! I can't wait to see what I lose this week.

Today starts off the second week of my weight loss journey, and as such I start off the week with a new set of 35 flex pts to use as I wish. So far all I have had for breakfast is a pear (2 pts) but I do have some chicken noodle soup stashed away in my desk for just such an occasion.

I am supposed to go out for drinks tonight with a few girls I haven't really seen since elementary school, so I will have to save some points for a beer. I am so tired today though because I was out last night with a few of my girlfriends (at the potluck/movie night) and I didn't fall asleep until 1:30am! I am definitely going to have to leave the lounge early tonight!

Also, I kind of want to watch "I love you man" tonight... so I am going to leave early anyway so that I can convince my boyfriend to watch it with me! (Plus I haven't hung out with him for a few days, so it's about time we got some cuddling in!)

I should find out today whether or not we were pre-approved for the mortgage... I am going to call the bank this morning once they are open and find out what's going on. I hope we are approved, then we can seriously start looking at houses!! We found a few that we are interested in, just outside the city, huge, and really cheap for what they are! I am so excited at the possibility of moving out with him!!!

I will let you know later what's going on.

Cheers to week 2 and 4lbs lost!!

Day 6 & 7....

Well, as you can tell, I haven't had a chance to get on here to blog about my last couple days of the diet... well, it was interesting this weekend, that's for sure.

First of all, Saturday (Day 6) I started off the day okay, with a 6" Ham Sub fromm Subway... and I made meatloaf (with extra lean beef) for dinner, but then I made Cottage Cheese Cresents... and had two of them... I'm not actually positive how many points they are each... so I went with 3, even though they are fairly small.

Then Sunday (Yesterday) I once again started off the day ok, with soup... but then by the time lunch rolled around I was so ridiculously hungry... I ate the other half of my chicken wrap from Friday with the leftover hashbrowns as well and I was still hungry! I actually went to a potluck (the worst thing you can do when you're trying to lose weight) last night, and ate some seafood pasta (not a cream sauce, so not so bad for me) and then a broccoli salad, some deviled eggs, and then once again, the Cottage Cheese Cresents... they are going to be the death of me.

But, in all the excitement this weekend, and me just being lazy, I didn't really keep track of my points... so I don't have a points list for you today... I know, it's pretty bad. I am going to start again today though!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Day 5

Well today was almost a write-off... I was doing so well... I started off the day with soup as usual, but then of course the bf decides that we have to go out for lunch... it's so easy for him to convince me when I haven't eaten out in two weeks... so we end up going out to Michael P's.  I didn't know what to get so I ended up with my usual which is a chicken wrap and hashbrowns.  I know, super bad right?  Well, I only ate half of the wrap and half of the hashbrowns!  I'm so proud of myself for holding back.

So... as it stands.. today's points are the following:

Soup 2 pts
Chicken 3 pts
Cheese 2 pts
Tort 2 pt
Bacon 2 pts
Mayo 2 pts
Pulled Pork Sandwich
Meat 7 pts
Pita Bun 2 pts
Coleslaw 3 pts

For a grand total of 25 pts.  The day is not over... so I will let you know if I have anything else... but as it stands that is another 2 flex points used.  So now I am down to 23 flex points I believe.  And I've got two more days to use them!

Although the diet is going well, I still have yet to work out!  So... today is the day!!  I'm going to do the Start it Up routine from the Slim in 6 library.  I hope it's a goodie!

Day 4!!

I think today might have been the best of all so far... I was pretty hungry this evening, but I had a few points left in order to grab a snack.  Long story short, after supper I was only at 19 pts... so after eating some popcorn with spicy sauce (yeah that's right lol) and a piece of cheese... I finished the day off at 22 pts.  1 pt under my allowed amount!!  I'm starving now, but I will be good in the morning.. plus, I think I might just need to drink a little bit of water.  I might just be thirsty... I didn't drink very much today.

So... we went in for the pre-approval for a mortgage... and surprise surprise... my credit score (Scotiabank Internal Scoring System) was an A, and the bf's was a C.  So, naturally, there is some skepticism as to whether or not we will be approved for the amount of $289,000.  That is what we could possibly be approved for according to our application... we'll only need $200,000 for this first house though... maybe a bit less... I want to buy somewhere in the range of $150,000 to $175,000 but the mortgage payments on a $200,000 are definitely doable.  They figured it out for us, with all the extra taxes and fees, it would work out to around $1,085 a month... and for two of us, that's only like $550 each... plus all of our bills and a little extra to save up... definitely doable right now... and when he starts making a bit more money, then it will be excellent!

I'm very excited at the possibility of having my own place and I cannot wait to throw the housewarming party!!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Pre-approval for a Mortgage!!

I almost forgot... I made an appointment for this afternoon to speak with a mortgage specialist at Scotiabank! My boyfriend and I are going to see how much we are pre-approved for, what options we have, and what would suit us best... I can't wait to see if we can move out together!! I'm very excited as you can tell... I would love my own place!

Day 3...

Hello All,

Day 3 went well once again. I didn't get a chance to blog about it yesterday though as I couldn't sign in for some reason and then I forgot to go back and check later on because my mom and I went to the beach after work! We were there from 5pm until 8pm and it was still packed! The sun was out for most of it and we were in the water and everything. So many people though, I think everyone took the day off because it was so nice and then didn't want to leave because no one knows when we'll see weather like that again... for sure not this weekend!

Well, here's the points count for yesterday...

Soup 2 pts
Salad 7 pts
Grapes 1 pt
Rice Crispie 2 pts (Snack bar)
Cucs & Dip 1 pt
Rice Cakes 2 pts
Beer 2 pts
1/2 c beef 3 pts
Cheese 1 pt
Sour Cream 2 pts
Tortilla 2 pts

For a grand total of 25 pts. If you're wondering about the beer... and why it's not 3 pts, I actually only drank about half to 3/4 of it... it was warm after that and I poured the rest out... at the beach lol.. ;)

So... that's 2 more flex points used... which leaves me with 25 flex points. I'm likin' this... using less than 5 flew points a day in these first few days it going to leave me with some leway for the weekend... and we all know that it's hardest to be on a dieat on the weekends, there's way too much to do and way too many delicious foods to tempt us!

I will say, a few of my favourite foods while on weight watchers are: Campbell's Chicken Noodle Soup (Only two points for the whole thing!), Diet Coke (Because you can drink one in the afternoon and it will tide you over until dinner at 0pts!), and then popcorn (only 1 point for 3 cups of it! Obviously not the buttery kind, but microwavable popcorn is ok if you get the light stuff).

Well... day 4 is already here... and I'm starting the day off with some soup yet again! Wish me luck!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Day 2... a success yet again!

Well, it's day two.  Actually, it's bedtime on day two.  Today was good... started off the morning right with a bowl of soup for breakfast... Here were my points for the day:

Soup 2 pts
Sandwich 5 pts
Grapes 1 pt
Salsa & Chips 3 pts
Diet Coke o pts
Green Tea 0 pts
Homemade Taco:
3/4 cup of lean beef 4 pts
Tort 2 pts
Cheese 2 pts
Sour Cream 2 pts

So that puts me at 21 pts.  And then of course, I had to have a piece of the delicious apple crunch I made yesterday (Damn my bf, he's a bad influence)

So... I have two points left, those will go to the piece.. and then another 4 of my flex points.  It was a bigger piece than yesterday.

So, after yesterday and today, I am left with 27 flex points for the rest of the week.

I've already made my lunch for tomorrow which is good, because if I don't make a lunch ahead of time I always end up picking up food or going out with my bf for lunch... BAD move.

I'm going to try to start working out tomorrow... I wanted to give myself a little bit of a diet boost first before I started working out.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Day 1 of my Weight Loss Journey...

Well, day one was a success!!

Here's my food journal for the day:
Breakfast 5 pts
Lunch 9 pts
4oz Steak 7 pts
Small Potato 2 pts
Veggies 0 pts
Diet Coke 0 pts
Green Tea 0 pts

For a total of 23 pts.  Then, I used 4 of my flex points for the tiniest piece of homemade apple crunch that Rob made me make for him lol.  I was only allowed like two to three bites of that stuff... way too much sugar!

So... at the end of day 1, I am now down to 31 flex points.  Not bad for the first day... usually I'm starving!!  

Here's looking ahead to day 2!

Warm Weather... FINALLY

Hello All,

I couldn't leave without mentioning the fact that we are supposedly going to be getting some nice weather starting today! (Weird for this summer)

This weekend is supposed to be gorgeous with temperatures reaching the high twenties and possibly over 30 degrees celcius! I'm very excited and I am for sure heading to the beach!!
PS. For all of you out there who do not have the bikini body but would like a bathing suit that allows you to tan your full back, and a lot of your front, I found one at Tommy Hilfiger. It ties up in the back like a bikini would, except that it looks like a one piece in the front. My favourite bathing suit ever!! I've gotten a lot of compliments on it actually and I'm way more comfortable in it than I have ever been in any two-piece!