Monday, August 17, 2009

Day 7 & Weigh In Day!!

I weighed myself this morning... and guess what??? I've lost 4 pounds so far!!! I am so excited! I can't wait to see what I lose this week.

Today starts off the second week of my weight loss journey, and as such I start off the week with a new set of 35 flex pts to use as I wish. So far all I have had for breakfast is a pear (2 pts) but I do have some chicken noodle soup stashed away in my desk for just such an occasion.

I am supposed to go out for drinks tonight with a few girls I haven't really seen since elementary school, so I will have to save some points for a beer. I am so tired today though because I was out last night with a few of my girlfriends (at the potluck/movie night) and I didn't fall asleep until 1:30am! I am definitely going to have to leave the lounge early tonight!

Also, I kind of want to watch "I love you man" tonight... so I am going to leave early anyway so that I can convince my boyfriend to watch it with me! (Plus I haven't hung out with him for a few days, so it's about time we got some cuddling in!)

I should find out today whether or not we were pre-approved for the mortgage... I am going to call the bank this morning once they are open and find out what's going on. I hope we are approved, then we can seriously start looking at houses!! We found a few that we are interested in, just outside the city, huge, and really cheap for what they are! I am so excited at the possibility of moving out with him!!!

I will let you know later what's going on.

Cheers to week 2 and 4lbs lost!!

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