Monday, August 10, 2009

Day 1 of my Weight Loss Journey...

Well, day one was a success!!

Here's my food journal for the day:
Breakfast 5 pts
Lunch 9 pts
4oz Steak 7 pts
Small Potato 2 pts
Veggies 0 pts
Diet Coke 0 pts
Green Tea 0 pts

For a total of 23 pts.  Then, I used 4 of my flex points for the tiniest piece of homemade apple crunch that Rob made me make for him lol.  I was only allowed like two to three bites of that stuff... way too much sugar!

So... at the end of day 1, I am now down to 31 flex points.  Not bad for the first day... usually I'm starving!!  

Here's looking ahead to day 2!

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