Thursday, August 13, 2009

Day 3...

Hello All,

Day 3 went well once again. I didn't get a chance to blog about it yesterday though as I couldn't sign in for some reason and then I forgot to go back and check later on because my mom and I went to the beach after work! We were there from 5pm until 8pm and it was still packed! The sun was out for most of it and we were in the water and everything. So many people though, I think everyone took the day off because it was so nice and then didn't want to leave because no one knows when we'll see weather like that again... for sure not this weekend!

Well, here's the points count for yesterday...

Soup 2 pts
Salad 7 pts
Grapes 1 pt
Rice Crispie 2 pts (Snack bar)
Cucs & Dip 1 pt
Rice Cakes 2 pts
Beer 2 pts
1/2 c beef 3 pts
Cheese 1 pt
Sour Cream 2 pts
Tortilla 2 pts

For a grand total of 25 pts. If you're wondering about the beer... and why it's not 3 pts, I actually only drank about half to 3/4 of it... it was warm after that and I poured the rest out... at the beach lol.. ;)

So... that's 2 more flex points used... which leaves me with 25 flex points. I'm likin' this... using less than 5 flew points a day in these first few days it going to leave me with some leway for the weekend... and we all know that it's hardest to be on a dieat on the weekends, there's way too much to do and way too many delicious foods to tempt us!

I will say, a few of my favourite foods while on weight watchers are: Campbell's Chicken Noodle Soup (Only two points for the whole thing!), Diet Coke (Because you can drink one in the afternoon and it will tide you over until dinner at 0pts!), and then popcorn (only 1 point for 3 cups of it! Obviously not the buttery kind, but microwavable popcorn is ok if you get the light stuff).

Well... day 4 is already here... and I'm starting the day off with some soup yet again! Wish me luck!

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