Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Day 8... First Day of week 2!

Good Morning!

(Well, as good as it can be when you're as tired as I am...) I went out with 5 girls that I haven't seen since highschool last night and I stayed out way too late! I have to get up fairly early in the morning to go to work and therefore when I go out on a weekday I always end up not getting enough sleep. I'm definitely looking forward to going to be super early tonight!

Well, I am posting my points from yesterday just now, because obviously I was out last night so I didn't have the chance.

So here we go:

Pear 2pts
Freezie 2pts
Soup 2pts
Crackers 3pts
Ham 4pts
Veggies 1pt
Potato 4pts

Then later on....

2 beers 6pts
Chips&Salsa 3pts

For a grand total of 27 pts! So that means that I am using 4 flex points for yesterday... so I am down to 35 flex points for the week.

Wish me luck!

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