Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Day 2... a success yet again!

Well, it's day two.  Actually, it's bedtime on day two.  Today was good... started off the morning right with a bowl of soup for breakfast... Here were my points for the day:

Soup 2 pts
Sandwich 5 pts
Grapes 1 pt
Salsa & Chips 3 pts
Diet Coke o pts
Green Tea 0 pts
Homemade Taco:
3/4 cup of lean beef 4 pts
Tort 2 pts
Cheese 2 pts
Sour Cream 2 pts

So that puts me at 21 pts.  And then of course, I had to have a piece of the delicious apple crunch I made yesterday (Damn my bf, he's a bad influence)

So... I have two points left, those will go to the piece.. and then another 4 of my flex points.  It was a bigger piece than yesterday.

So, after yesterday and today, I am left with 27 flex points for the rest of the week.

I've already made my lunch for tomorrow which is good, because if I don't make a lunch ahead of time I always end up picking up food or going out with my bf for lunch... BAD move.

I'm going to try to start working out tomorrow... I wanted to give myself a little bit of a diet boost first before I started working out.

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