Monday, August 31, 2009

Gray Makeup!! Pics...

Hello Hello...

Well, as promised... here are the gray/metallic makeup pics I was talking about earlier today.  

I'm not gonna lie though... I don't have a lot to say about it...

What I used:

Wal-mart eye pencil in dark gray.  (I'm not sure what the brand is)  I covered my lid with this to make the eyeshadow stick.
Silver eyeshadow on the lid.
Charcoal eyeshadow in the crease and worked my way upward to the brow bone.
Shimmer eyeshadow close to the colour of my skin for the brow bone... and for blending with the charcoal.
Highlight (shiny white metallic eyeshadow) for just under the brows and in the inner corners of the eyes.

And then as usual (or as in this and the pink looks) I put my body shop bronzer and nyc blush on to complete the look.

Enjoy!  Please comment.


  1. Man... I noticed after I put up these pics that my eyebrows are really messy lol... I'm definitely going to have to take care of that one of these days...

  2. I do like this one but I think I like the pink one better, it's a little more dramatic.

  3. Ha ha thanks! Yeah, I love the pink one! I'm going to try a purple look soon... one of these days... I've been sportin' the brown lately because Sarah brought me back a MAC brown palette from Thailand (obviously not real lol) and it works really well with my skin tones...

  4. Ooops... typo. I meant skin tone.
