Sunday, August 30, 2009


So... lately I have been watching a lot of youtube makeup tutorials... and I started to try a few out on myself... today I decided to do a pink look that I saw in one of the videos.  I think I did a pretty good job... 
Open-eyed view of today's pink look.  I used the 88 Palette by Coastal Scents... there are many pinks on the palette but I only ended up using two of them and then I used a light purple, and dark blue for shading.  Then... my trusty MAC white shiny eyeshadow for highlighting.

You can really see the different colours I used in the picture above.  I had a lot of fun creating this look and I hope you can try it out for yourself.  The key is really blending... never leave a harsh line in your makeup... blending is your friend!

Here's a shot of the finished look... as I mentioned above... I used the 88 palette colours for eyes, and then I lined the upper lash line and waterline with black eyeliner for effect.  On my cheeks I used Body Shop's Bronzing Beads (Valentine's Day Gift from the BF a few years back... still got em!  They're great!) for contouring, and then a mixed Blush Palette I picked up a Wal-Mart for super cheap on the apples of my cheeks.  Finished it off with a pink gloss that I would tell you where it was from, but I've had it forever and I forget... 


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