Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Okay... so I've been really bad... apparently I haven't been following my diet for the last few days... I went away for the weekend until yesterday and I went completely nuts with the beer, chips, steak, chicken dinner... the whole lot!  

Today (Tuesday... yes it's like 12:30 in the morning...) is going to be my new Day 1!  I'm horrible at this apparently, but I have to keep trying.  Good news is, I didn't gain any weight this week, bad news is that I didn't lose any either.  I'm going to stay positive though and hope for the best from now on.  I don't have any more trips planned, because I know those are the worst for stay on the diet... so yeah, I should be fine.  

I attached a picture from this weekend... I went to my bf's friend's cabin in the middle of nowhere in Ontario.  We literally had to go about 45 mins off the highway on logging roads, and then off-road for about 30 mins before getting to a parking spot in the bush where we then had to climb onto the train tracks and walk about a half-mile up the tracks to the cabin, which is about 50 feet away from the tracks!  It's kind of funny actually, because there are trains that go by about 5 times a day, sometimes more, and they always wave and honk the horn ha ha ha.  I took a video to show how close we were to them when we were in the front yard.  You can't really see very well because they go by at about 50 miles an hour I think... so like 70-80km/hr.  Pretty fast when they're that close to us.  I'll post that video when I'm finished writing this one.  It was beaut
iful out there though, no one around us, beautiful lakes, trees, no buildings.  It was great... except for the fact that we had to wash in the lake... which was freezing this weekend!  And the mosquitos were horrible!  I have so many bites on my legs it looks like I have a disease!
I caught my first fish this weekend too!  (First time I have ever been fishing!!)  I ended up catching the most fish out of all of us too!  (7 of them... two pickerel, and 5 jack fish)  Of course we had to through them all back, because the pickerel (walleye) were too small to eat, and apparently jack fish have lots of bones and you shouldn't eat them at this time of year... something about being wormy lol.

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